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Let's Take A Walk

Step into this park, where many surprises await. Who’s the squirrel’s basketball hero? Why have the snails come together? Which green insect loves karate? Read on to find out...

'Let’s Take A Walk' is an amusing, colourful picture book to inspire both children and adults to slow down and look closer... so they can find pockets of wonder, no matter where they are.

Author : RJwrites Artist : Anngee Neo



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"Hiding is play. Children know this intuitively. There is much joy in being able to observe what’s around us, when we choose to blend quietly into our surroundings. Let’s Take A Walk! is about the stories that Nature may reveal to us when we learn to disappear.

We start to notice other living beings who have colours, capabilities, bodies and determinations so wildly different from our own. These encounters can be amusing, humbling and quietly life-affirming.

Maybe that’s the secret. To find our place in this world, we just have to look for more of what is other than ourselves."

- Anngee Neo & RJwrites



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Proudly supported by National Arts Council, Singapore.

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