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When A Wolf In Sheep's Skin Meets A Sheep In Wolf's Skin

Can a Wolf and a Sheep become friends? Will they look past their outer appearances and see the beauty within? Oftentimes, friendships are formed when we can look beyond the obvious differences.

Author / Artist : Josef Lee



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"Never judge a book by its cover.

It's a timeless advice but one that we always fail to heed. Because we always judge.

A book by its cover.

A leopard by its spots.

A person by his appearance.

First impression matters most. Hence the 'skin' we wore outside are often how we are judged.

And this is a story about 'skins'; a Wolf who wore a sheep's skin and a Sheep who wore a wolf's skin. And they met, with each one thinking that the other is of the same kind. Without the obvious differences in appearances, the Wolf and the Sheep finally saw the friendship within.

Early character sketches / designs of the Wolf and Sheep
Extracts of storyboard sketches

This is the 10th and the last story that I did for this collection of mini picture books.

It is also my favourite of the lot."

- Josef Lee



© 2020 by House of Mini Picture Books.

Proudly supported by National Arts Council, Singapore.

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